
Bi-Annual Workshops

State Aid Planning workshops are presented at eleven locations throughout New York State and provide participants with an understanding of state aid distribution and impact on their districts.


Zoom Link

ID: 963 2134 8189
Password:  969979

Winter 2024 Virtual Workshop

February 7th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. or 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. (attend either session)



Foundation Aid Comparison

Webinar Recording

Topics: Governor’s Budget Analysis, Understanding Projections and Tips on Budgeting Excess Cost Aid and Transportation Aid and Year-End Reminders

Fall 2023

Workshop Flyer


Webinar Recording

Registration and CTLE Credit Workshops

Topics: An Overview of the 2023-24 Enacted Budget, A Comprehensive look at Building Aid, Fall Reminders, and we will offer some ideas about how to focus planning for your district

Winter 2023 Virtual Workshop

February 8th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.



Topics to be discussed include an overview of school aid and a look at NYS finances included in the Governor’s Budget, quick checks to ensure that you are maximizing aid, useful updates and reminders, and helpful State Aid Planning tools and resources to plan for the future of your district!

Zoom Workshop Link

Fall 2022

Workshop Flyer


Workshop Handouts

Webinar Recording

Topics: Review of 22-23 State Budget, Key State Aid Measurement Dates, What to Do This Year to Manage Fund Balance and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Foundation Aid – What to Monitor and How to Maximize Aid

State Aid Planning Coffee Talk

Preparing the State Aid Claim Forms: How to Complete Key Areas, What to Review to Maximize Aid and Troubleshooting Claim Form Issues and Revisions

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