August 15, 2023

Calculating In-District Placements, 2022-2023 10-Month STACs

Recorded Session Presentation

September 12, 2023

Open Forum, New Year Set-Up


October, 2023

Workshop Webinar

Recorded Session Presentation

November 21, 2023

ESY Overview

Recorded Session Presentation

December 12, 2023

Open Forum, Annual Recertification of STAC Access/Users, BOCES Final Year End Billing


January 16, 2024

Homeless Youth and Claiming State Aid

Recorded Session Presentation

February 13, 2024

Open Forum and Mid-Year Review


March 12, 2024

DVPUB and DVPOD Verifications

Recorded Session Presentation

April 16, 2024

Open Forum and March Payments


May 15, 2024

Residential and other Unique Placements, CRP, 4201, and Out of State

Recorded Session Presentation

June 4, 2024

Open Forum, End of Year Wrap-Up, June 30th Verifications


July 18, 2024

Open Forum Live Discussion: Reflection on the Past Year, STAC Updates, Planning for the New Year, Q&A

Recorded Session Presentation

August 12, 2022

STAC for Beginners, Access/File Transfer Manager, Placement Types, DCERT, Verification Process, Timelines, and Helpful Reports

Recorded Session Presentation

September 13, 2022

Calculating In-District Placements, DCPUB Cost Calculation, 2021-2022 10-Month STACs

Recorded Session Presentation

October 11, 2022

ESY Overview: Full & Half-Day Programs, 9015 A-D Programs, Transportation Costs, and Receivables

Recorded Session Presentation

November 22, 2022

Open Forum/Live Discussion on STAC Topics, What to Focus On, Q&A


December 13, 2022

Homeless Youth

Recorded Session Presentation

January 17, 2023

Review of Aid Categories and Statute of Limitations

Recorded Session Presentation

February 14, 2023

Mid-Year Review, Aid Projections, NYSED Gold Star Report

Recorded Session Presentation

March 14, 2023

DVPUB Verifications, DCPUB & DCPOD Screens

Recorded Session Presentation

April 18, 2023

Review March Payments, New School Year Prep: 2023-24 Program Dates, Summer School Applications, Reapplications

Recorded Session Presentation

May 16, 2023

Open Forum/Live Discussion: Wrapping Up the Fiscal Year, Preparing for June 30th and ESY, Q&A


June 6, 2023

Common STAC Errors – A Walk Through, June 30th Statute of Limitations

Recorded Session Presentation

July 18, 2023

Open Forum Live Discussion: Reflection on the Past Year, STAC Updates, Planning for the New Year, Q&A

Recorded Session Presentation
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