Special Education

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

Last night, we were notified that a staff member at Catskill Academy tested positive for COVID. The staff member was last on campus on September 10. Based on the circumstances of this case, there is a need to conduct contact tracing at our building. 

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

Last night, we were notified that a staff member at George Washington School tested positive for COVID. The staff member was last on campus on September 8. However, based on the circumstances of this case, there is no need to conduct contact tracing at our building.

Opening Week Letter To Families

Opening Week Letter To Families

See letter from Questar III BOCES Chief Academic Office Anthony Taibi regarding important updates for the start of the school year.

Notification of COVID-19 Positive

Notification of COVID-19 Positive

We were notified today that a staff member at the Sackett Educational Center tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member was last on campus on July 30th. Based on the circumstances of this case, there is no need for contact tracing at school.