Dear Families: 

Questar III started to distribute test kits to students attending our full-day programs today to those families that completed the survey distributed last week and again yesterday. This includes Special Education, full day programs at Columbia-Greene Educational Center, Tech Valley High School, and the STEM High School at Hudson Valley Community College. Students in our CTE and New Visions programs will receive communications from their home districts about test distribution.   

Families of our full day programs are asked to please complete this brief survey indicating their interest in Questar III sending home a test kit with your child. If you have already completed this survey, you will not need to complete it again. Parents can also contact their child’s school main office to request a test kit. We will not provide a kit if you do not want us to send one home. 


  • Beginning today as an added precaution, our classes will no longer provide mask breaks unless medically necessary. We will pause this practice for the next two weeks and revisit it in conjunction with local positivity rates.  
  • Any documented medical exemptions will still be recognized. 
  • As a reminder, well-fitted masks are key. Masks must be multi-layered. Single ply cloth masks are not acceptable alone. They can be used with a double masking technique by using a surgical mask underneath. Surgical masks are available at our school buildings.   

 Positive Results 

As a reminder, anyone who tests positive on a take-home test should immediately report their results to the school and begin isolating.   

  • Students in Rensselaer and Columbia counties testing positive using an at-home test kit must complete a lab-confirmed COVID test. Please visit to find a nearby testing site. The state will open a mass test site at Crossgates Mall on January 4. 
  • Families in Greene County must report any positive at-home test result through their school and the county’s website at  
  • Families living in other counties should report their positive test result to their local health department.  
  • Students who test positive must isolate for 10 days and can return to school on day 11 if there is symptom resolution. At this time, individuals cannot test out of quarantine or isolation.   
  • Taking part in testing is voluntary. We strongly encourage that you utilize these home test kits for your children when they are available. If you or others in your household need to be tested, please visit to find a nearby testing site.  

We ask for your continued cooperation in following our established COVID protocols, including mask wearing, physical distancing, and staying home when sick. We will continue to keep you updated with any changes to conditions or protocols. Thank you for your continued partnership and patience.   


Anthony Taibi 
Chief Academic Officer 
Questar III BOCES  



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