Students in Questar III's ESOL program learn about different culturesLearning covers the five senses in Richard Horan’s Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) class at Rensselaer Educational Center (REC) in Troy.

Typically, students in Horan’s class meet twice a week for three hours at REC, where they learn and practice English speaking skills, reading comprehension and writing. Using magazines and newspapers, as well as traditional learning materials, students work hard to learn a complex language that many native English speakers take for granted.

As part of the program, ESOL students also get together several times a year to celebrate the differences that are at the core of their multicultural learning program. One of the ways students learn about different cultures is by sharing unique foods from their native countries and the stories behind these dishes.

ESOL students recently held a cultural celebration (outside their regularly scheduled class) that featured the sights, smells and tastes of culinary delights from their native countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Mexico, Russia and Turkey).

Horan said students enjoyed this experience. “The students take great pride in sharing food and recipes with each other. And they learn they are more alike than different.”

Adult Literacy Program Facilitator Pamela Mertz, who stopped by the classroom unaware that a cultural smorgasbord was taking place, was invited to stay. Soon, she too became part of the learning experience.

Mertz said she received a wonderful introduction to Middle Eastern cooking after asking a student about the ingredients of a particular dish. “Everyone joined in the conversation, which became an impromptu practice session,” she said.

Questar III’s ESOL program, which includes day and evening classes, is designed for adult students whose first language is not English. Students learn about language and culture through experiences that not only celebrate their journey to America, but also their determination to learn from and with classmates from around the world.

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