YWCA Executive Director Sherry Rounds, right, accompanies 2012 Woman of the YWCA Debo Myers as she shares her inspirational story with hundreds of attendees during the Resourceful Women's Luncheon at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy.

YWCA Executive Director Sherry Rounds, right, accompanies 2012 Resourceful Woman of the YWCA Debo Myers as she shares her inspirational story with hundreds of attendees during the Resourceful Women’s Luncheon at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy.

The YWCA of the Greater Capital Region named Deborah “Debo” Myers the 2012 Resourceful Woman of the YWCA during its Resourceful Women’s Luncheon on November 1 in Troy.

Myers, who became homeless when she was 14 after being thrown out of her home by her parents, has overcome a life of adversity and credits the YWCA and Questar III BOCES for her success. (To learn more about Myers’ story, please see the Troy Record.)

Myers is currently enrolled in Questar III’s High School Equivalency Program (GED) preparation course located at the YWCA in Troy. Here she has already improved two grade levels and hopes to improve two more before she takes the GED exam.

After moving to Troy from Brooklyn, NY, Myers realized that many companies wouldn’t hire her without a high school diploma. Despite having a security certificate and work experience, she realized she needed to earn a GED.

“Getting a GED opens doors and changes lives,” said Pamela Mertz, adult literacy program facilitator at Questar III. “Without it, students are not marketable in today’s economy.”

Mertz said the Questar III GED program at the YWCA is a great partnership because it allows students to work during the day and attend classes at night. Because it’s located on the bus line, it’s accessible for everyone.

Myers said she would recommend the Questar III GED program to anyone who doesn’t have their high school diploma. “I love [the program]! It doesn’t have big classes so the teachers can work with you individually on things you need help with and they don’t waste your time on the things you already know.”

Once she receives her GED, Myers said she plans to get a maintenance job in the HVAC industry and eventually would like to pursue a career in the corrections field, possibly as a homicide detective.

For more information on Questar III’s adult literacy programs including the GED program, click here.

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