Students that earned scholarships

From left to right: Nette Brocks, Sean Riley, Kayla Mulqueen, Shelby Hayostek, Randall Feldhusen, and Leah Dugrenier.

Students in Questar III’s New Visions: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) program located at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) earned scholarships in the 2011 Society of Manufacturing Engineers Presentation Contest held at RPI on Nov. 3. The contest was sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Chapter 20 Capital District, RPI Student Chapter S-141, and Haanen-Packard of Fort Edward.

Scholarships were awarded to the following high school seniors:

  • First place team, earning $300 prize, for design of a robot clock key chain Shelby Hayostek (Troy High School), Kayla Mulqueen (Tamarac High School)
  • Second place team, earning $200 prize, for design of a candy dispenser Leah Dugrenier (Hoosic Valley High School), Randall Feldhusen (Averill Park High School)
  • Third place team, earning $100 prize, for design of a squirt gun Nette Brocks (Columbia High School), Sean Riley (Cohoes High School)
Based on the overall quality of the presentations from the entire class, a group award of $100 was presented so that the class could host a special activity for all the participants.
The annual contest requires local students to learn the capabilities of Rensselaer’s Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory. Students then design a product that can be produced cost effectively produced at the facility. Rensselaer seniors can choose to produce one of the high school students’ designs as part of their college course.
Presentations are judged by a panel of educators, student and professional members from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. All of the student presentations can be viewed on the web at
Questar III STEM teacher Tammie Borland said, “This contest allows students to creatively experience the challenge of product design and manufacturing. The students themselves comment that they are amazed how much they learn from this experience. I am extremely grateful to the contest sponsors and judges for their time, effort, and financial commitment to the youth of our community.”
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