Local healthcare facilities were invited to attend a Career Information Day for CNA and LPN students at Questar III’s Rensselaer Educational Center. The Career Information Day provides students with an opportunity to learn about different careers and to network with professionals who are currently working in the healthcare field.

CNA and LPN students

CNA and LPN students

Amara Brown and Jenna Higgitt, both from Human Resources at Attentive Care in Albany, discussed the opportunities at Attentive Care for CNAs, LPNs, RNs, and people interested in home health care. Attentive Care has staff covering the entire capital region and also has two offices in Long Island. Employees work with people of all ages and the company has many different shifts available for its employees. Higgitt told the students, “We look for people who are reliable, compassionate and willing to travel all over the capital district.”

Nicole Weinstein from the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities discussed the opportunities for nurses to support people with developmental disabilities in their homes and community. The OPWDD provides their employees with state insurance and tuition assistance if they would like to further their education. Weinstein emphasized the need for people in healthcare. “We need nurses everywhere. All over the state,” she said.

Capital District DDSO Human Resources workers, Amy DeFilippo and Paul Benac, described the training program they have for their new employees and the many opportunities for career advancement and continuing education. Paul Benac told the students that he began his career as a direct care person, which is similar to a CNA, and then had an opportunity to try something new in Human Resources. The DDSO provides employees with varying shifts and great benefits. “It’s an amazing field you’re going into,” said Benac.

The Healthcare Panel speaks to students about different job options

The Healthcare Panel speaks to students about different job options

Jeanette Allen also spoke with the students. Allen is a nurse at Van Rensselaer Manor, which is a clinical site for students. Allen explained her evolution in the health care field beginning as a CNA and is now a nurse running a department. Van Rensselaer Manor helps their employees pay for college courses at Hudson Valley Community College and Allen encouraged students to take advantage of those opportunities explaining that the more education you receive, the more you can do in your career.

Allen left the students with inspiring words encouraging them to find their niche. She said, “When you set out there to find a job, you need to find what you’re happiest at. A happy nurse is a good thing.”

Adult LPN student Kelley Polunici said, “It was nice to speak with potential employers directly and learn what types of positions were available at each facility.”

LPN Recruiter Christine Perry and Financial Aid Facilitator Alyson Harte organized this event for the students.

The guests and the students enjoyed a continental buffet prepared by the Culinary Arts students

The guests and the students enjoyed a continental buffet prepared by the Culinary Arts students

The guests and the students enjoyed an elaborate continental buffet prepared by the Culinary Arts students.

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