A new class for adults needing basic literacy skills started March 13 at the First Reformed Church located at 52 Green Street in Hudson.

This class specifically target adults with low reading and math skills, who are not ready for pre-GED work. The class, taught by Judy Conine, will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4 p.m.

Questar III partnered with the church to offer this program onsite in downtown Hudson.

Adult Literacy Facilitator Pamela Mertz said this was a great example of networking.

“The class came together so fast. Within two weeks, we had secured a space, a teacher and class materials. This shows how valuable it is to do face-to-face outreach and how responsive Questar III is to community needs,” Mertz said.

For more information on Questar III’s adult education programs, please visit www.questar.org/education/adult_cont_ed/index.php.




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